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 Hellfrost is a game created in unreal. The game was part of a game jam which lasted 3 days. I worked on the heat/death mechanic, enemy ai and spawning of them I also worked on the victory condition together with Max De Sutter. This was my second time working with unreal but under the heavy deadline, I consider this some of my better work in unreal.


The game is about a demon that was cast out of hell. Because he is used to a warm environment he has trouble staying warm.  This is where the fireplace comes in. Traverse the icy planes and find the old runes to gain their strength to find a way home.


This project was developed by 

Artists: Sidney Olluyn, Tristan.

Programmers: Elliott Van Neste, Siemon

Verreyken, Jordy Verbruggen, Max De Sutter

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